International Quality Consultancy Ltd. Health, Safety Policy



International Quality Consultancy Ltd. Health, Safety Policy

The International Quality Consultancy Ltd. Management is committed to providing and maintaining safe and healthy work environment and safe systems of work for all employees, clients, public and any other 3rd parties involved in its operations..

In line with these commitments, The International Quality Consultancy Ltd. will:

Maintain and promote a workplace culture that establishes health and safety as a core value at all levels of the company.

Assess risks and plan work activities to eliminate or control foreseeable health and safety risks. 

Comply with relevant legislation, standards, and contract conditions.

Establish specific and measurable health and safety objectives and targets for continuous improvement as and when required.

Integrate health and safety requirements in all relevant aspects of business and operations.

Consult with employees on matters affecting their health and safety.

Provide information, instruction, and supervision to enhance health and safety awareness, skills, and competence of the employees

Maintain all kind of work equipment in safe and good working condition.

Provide training and awareness for safe handling and use of work equipment and substances

All employees International Quality Consultancy Ltd. are required to:

Avoid putting themselves or others in an unsafe condition during their work performance.

Strictly follow relevant health and safety procedures, method statements, health & safety rules, and instructions during the conduct of their tasks.

Use appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment during the conduct of their work.

Report potential workplace hazards, incidents, and injuries to the immediate responsible person of their work area.

Strictly avoid presenting themselves to workplace under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.